Relentless. Resourceful. Reliable.
We Don't Sell What We Can't Produce.
A strong actress, exceptional percussionist, soulful singer and prolific rapper/lyricist, Tia P. has mastered what few can even imagine. It was our team's job to not only navigate her road to success, but to plan seeds of opportunity and create a full bloom. Here is where we came face to face with our distinction.
We knew that what we wanted was to ensure our talent survived the game. It was our responsibility to create a foundation for not only creative growth, but financial growth. We thoroughly examined our value and our access and we learned one fundamental thing...WE WERE DETERMINED FOR OUR TALENT TO WIN.
By assessing all aspects of visibility and financial success, we've crafted strategies that ensure our talent experience a complete, productive forward motion even in this current climate.
After taking all levels of Tia P.'s talent into account, we were able to prepare her for world of film and television while marketing her musical talent and establishing relationships in television and streaming platforms for her musical placements. Samples below show the depth and breadth of her musical placements.